Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Isa 55:6

I had a dream last night, and without going into the full details, I wanted to express to all today that He is near... We need to examine ourselves and ask ourselves the most important question for these times we are living in, "What am I doing to seek Him"..

We can no longer manipulate our thinking process to say that an hour or two a week is sufficient because I am around a group of beievers... This seeking is a dying to self, giving up all, on the floor, searching, and searching, until,, when you find yourself in a place that you can not get any lower,,,, the Lord gives you a groan, and a cry and the Lord enters in with you,,,, and suddenly,,,, there is a song that you have never heard before that erupts from your spirit and when you have reached that place,,, you never want to stop.........
" Don't Wake Me Up"

-Larry Dammerman-