Friday, March 12, 2010

"Basin" Theology

Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end. Jn 13:1

When the pressure’s mounting and the troubles are coming, you will either do what Pontius Pilate did and wash your hands of Jesus Christ and Christianity and wash your hands of what you thought was true, “biblically”, and like Pilate you will say, “Bring me the Basin”, and you will wash your hands and say, “ I’m not going to deal with this stuff any longer”!! Or you can simply do as what Jesus did, when He took the basin and He washed feet.

"Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. – Jesus- Jn 13:12-15

Even though His world, ( In a sense) was coming down, and even though He was going through times of intensity that we will never fully understand in this world, He did not wash His hands from those disciples, from those deniers, from those betrayers, but rather he loved them, and He washed their feet.

What are "we" going to do when things just aren’t working out? When things are really falling apart? You will find yourself at that moment facing “Basin Theology”, either washing your hands, or washing someone’s feet. You will either be a Pontius Pilate or you will be following the example of Jesus Christ. Have we offended anyone? Or is someone offended at us and we did nothing intentionally to cause that offense, but it is there? Maybe we are offended at a friend, a brother or sister, or Leadership in the Body of Christ. The decision that we make today may affect us for the rest of our lives, even as simple as it may seem, it will surely have consequences.

-Larry Dammerman-


  1. So glad you decided to start up your blog again. I always look forward to reading them. I had never connected the two scenes of the basins before. This is something new to chew on. Thanks Larry.

  2. Glad you are posting once again Larry!

  3. what you "thought" was true biblically. That's where I'm stuck, on the thought process. If I truely had a spiritual connection I would never wash my hands, only feet and I wish it were so...I'm seeking for more answers and I't seems God has provided me with plenty in the past and time goes by and I seem to forget...That dosen't seem right to me or fair to God.

  4. The word "picture" for offense is a crooked stick with bait attached, as to lure someone or something....isn't that true? Offense is the bait that will lead us into blacker depths of sin quicker than anything. It is my prayer that The Lord wash my heart from such, and teach me to stay at the foot basin.. Thanks for posting Larry.


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