Saturday, February 28, 2009

02-28-09 "Give us Bread"

Then they said to Him, "Lord, give us this bread always." John 6:34

As we note in Luke Chapter 11 when the disciples observed Jesus praying, that they did not ask Him to teach them how to raise people from the dead, cause a blind eye to see or heal the Lepers.. No, they said “Lord teach us how to pray”. It seems as almost in the same breath when Jesus finishes the prayer in Luke chapter 11, He wants to make known to the disciples that there is something of great importance in the Daily Bread He had just instructed them to pray for. For he says in v-5,6 "Which of you shall have a friend, and go to him at midnight and say to him, 'Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has come to me on his journey, and I have nothing to set before him”.

He is speaking of a certain man who had a friend show up at his “tent”. It is at a very late hour and this man’s friend has been on a very long journey. This man’s friend was in need of something and there was not any possible way that this man could give it to Him. “I will take you to my friend”, says the man, he is a dear friend and he will have the bread that you need. “Yes”, I will take you with me and I will inquire with you, for you see my friend will surely have the “true bread that you are searching for”. In fact, this is where I found “true bread” for me..

A true friend will always admit they have no bread, but they know how to lead their friend to the one that has and is the “True Bread”, never boasting of them selves saying “look at me”, but always pointing them right straight to the Father.

In John 6:32 Jesus is speaking to a large group of people that had found Him in Capernaum, after their long journey, and He tells them that even Moses did not give them the bread from Heaven, But, Jesus says “My Father gives you the true bread from heaven”... Moses never did not boast that he himself was the bread, or supplied the bread.. When hearing this, suddenly the spiritual hunger rose up in those people at Capernaum and they cried out "Lord, give us this bread always."

Then Jesus said, "I am the bread”.

-Larry K. Dammerman-

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